

Word of guest editors
Snezana M. Lawrence, Middlesex University, Department of Mathematics, London, United Kingdom
Olivera J. Đokić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia
Aleksandra M. Mihajlović, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia


1. The Correlation between Figural and Conceptual Properties of Angle and Cube in Pre-Service Teachers Geometric Reasoning
Olivera J. Đokić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia
Mila S. Jelić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia
Svetlana M. Ilić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia


2. The Algebraization of Mathematics: Using Original Sources for Learning Mathematics
M. R. Massa Esteve, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Departament de Matemàtiques, Centre de Recerca per a la Història de la Tècnica, Barcelona, Spain


3. Number line in the history and the education of mathematics
Charalampos E. Lemonidis, University of Western Macedonia, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Educational Elementary Studies, Florina, Greece
Anastasios C. Gkolfos, 4th High School of Evosmos, Thessaloniki, Greece


4. Abacus computing tool – from history to application in mathematical education
Sanja M. Maričić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Užice, Serbia
Bojan D. Lazić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education, Sombor, Serbia


5. Using the Fangcheng method to develop pre-algebra concepts in primary-grade students
Aleksandra M. Mihajlović, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia
Nenad R. Vulović, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia
Milan P. Milikić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia


6. Use of Abu’l-Wafa’s problem to foster pedagogical knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers
Karmelita H. Pjanić, University of Bihać, Pedagogical faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina


7. Mihailo Petrović Alas’ contribution to development of interest for mathematics
Mirko R. Dejić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia


8. How are mathematicians as part of mathematics history represented in contemporary Chinese school mathematics textbooks?
Lianghuo Fan, East China Normal University, Asian Centre for Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China
University of Southampton, Southampton Education School, Southampton, UK
Na Li, East China Normal University, Asian Centre for Mathematics Education, Shanghai, China


9. A theatre of mathematical history – a historical memoir
Snezana M. Lawrence, Middlesex University, Department of Mathematics, London, United Kingdom


Useful web sites
Miroslava R. Ristić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia


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