Vol. 36 No. 3


1. Моtivation for Learning Science and Mathematics: Timss Research in Serbia
Nataša Z. Lalić-Vučetić , Institute for Educational Research
Snežana I. Mirkov, Institute for Educational Research


2. Phases of Construction and Difficulties of Developing Knowledge Tests in Educational Practice
Ivana М. Јeremić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Serbia


3. Students as Co-Creators in Shaping the Future of Higher Education
Nataša Z. Janković, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education,
Nevena M. Buđevac, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education,


4. Factor Analysis of the Creative Thinking Test – Graphic Production
Мirjana М. Јаpundža-Мilisavljević, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade, Serbia
Biljana Z. Мilanović-Dobrota, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade, Serbia


5. Factor Structure of the Teacher Autonomy Scale
Borka D. Malčić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy
Stanislava D. Marić Jurišin, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy
Nataša D. Tančić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy


6. Learning and Teaching about Holocaust: Teacher Education Students’ Perspective in Serbia
Snežana Z. Štrangarić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor
Мila B. Beljanski, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor
Dejan M. Dorđić, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education in Sombor


7. Who Needs a Methodological Course about Death in the Poetry for Children and Youth? Students’ Motivation for This Course, Their Concepts and Experience Related to Death
Vladimir M. Vukomanović Rastegorac, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia


8. Gender Differences at Mathematics Competitions in the Republic of Serbia
Nenad R. Vulović, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia
Аleksandra M. Mihajlović, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Education, Jagodina, Serbia
Јаsmina V. Milinković, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia


9. What is the purpose of teaching philosophy at other academic courses?
Milan Z. Jovanović, University of Niš, faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia
Zoran M. Dimić, University of Niš, faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia
Slađana Z. Ristić Gorgiev, University of Niš, faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia


10. Self-Reflection as an Epistemological Approach to the Research of Pedagogical Issues – Case Study as an Example
Sofija V. Maričić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia


11. Useful web sites
Miroslava R. Ristić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Serbia

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