General information for Authors

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Author guidelines – Style sheet

Font. The paper should be written in Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman size 12. Paragraphs: font – Normal, spacing – 1.5, the first line automatically indented. (Col 1)

Volume. The full volume of systematic reviews and original research papers is up to 16 pages (36 000 characters); short scientific papers, critiques, polemics and discussions, as well as review papers or translated papers up to 8 pages (about 15 000 characters); and event reports and short reviews up to  2 – 3 pages (about 3800-5600 characters). The editor has the right to accept longer papers if the research requirements are such.

General information about authors. Name, middle name (initial only) and surname are given in the heading, affiliation in the line below. The third line should include home address or institutional address and the birth year (the birth year is not published – it is used only for paper classification at the National Library of Serbia). Position: left. The author’s name should be accompanied with a footnote  stating the author’s -mail address. If there are several authors, only one (preferably the first author’s) address should be provided. If the paper is based on a doctoral thesis, the footnote should include the title of the thesis, place, and faculty where the viva took place. Papers resulting  from  research  projects should  include  the  project title and registry number,  the funding organization, and the institution of its application.

Example: Name and surname: Оlivera J. Đokić

Institution: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education, Belgrade, Serbia

Year of birth: 1972 Next to his/her name, the author adds a footnote and provides the electronic address and ORCID number at the end of the footnote.

Example:; |   https://orcid. org/0000-0002-2025-3596

If there are several authors, only the address and ORCID number of the author for contact should be provided.

If the paper originates from a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, the footnote should contain, next to the title, the title of the thesis, date and faculty of the viva, including the name of the mentor in the brackets.

Example: The paper is a modified and amended master thesis entitled An  overview of research on work strategies of primary school teachers working with students potentially gifted for mathematics, defended on January 18, 2016 at the Teacher Education Faculty of the University of Belgrade (mentor  dr Olivera J. Đokić, associate professor).

For papers originating from research projects the authors should provide the title and number of the project, the financing institution, and the name of the institution where the project was conducted

Example: The paper  is part  of the  project  Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland „REP- Synergy: Towards Improvement of Research Capacities Essential for Teacher Education and  Practices in  Serbia and  Estonia (Project Number  IZ74Z0_160511), financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation 2016–2018).

Title of the paper. Three lines below the name. Font: Times New Roman, 12, bold; position: centre.

Abstract. It can be up to 1400 characters (with spaces) long, and should be given at the beginning of the paper, one line below the title. It should state the aim of the paper, applied research methods, the most significant results and conclusions. The Editorial Board provides translation of abstracts into English or  translation  of  summaries  from  other  languages into Serbian (if the paper is written in a foreign language). The Editorial Board does not provide translations of full papers into foreign languages.

Summary  can   be   between   3600-5400  characters (with spaces) long. It should contain the aim of the research, significance and (theoretical) context of the problem, precise description of methodological approach, the most significant results and conclusions, pedagogical implications.

The summary should be submitted in English. The Editorial Board can provide English translation, if agreed with the author. The summary in English is published as an integral part of the electronic edition of the Journal, for the purpose of obtaining more citations of the papers in journals which are not in Serbian.

Keywords. They are stated below the abstract.

There should be up to five words in italics, in standard letters, separated by a comma (without a full stop behind the last one). It is advisable to choose terms which are frequently used in indexes and paper search.

The main body of the text. Papers should be written concisely, in a comprehensible style and in a logical order. As a rule, the body of the paper includes the introductory part with a clearly stated aim or the main problem of the paper, description of methodology, presentation and discussion of the results, and a conclusion with suggestions for further research or praxis. It should also include the description of the methodology process, review of the results and  their  interpretation.  The headings should  be written  hierarchically, in  levels. There should  be no more than three levels. All headings should be bolded.

The first heading level is centered, the second one is left- aligned. The third heading is left-aligned, with an additional use of italic. In all three cases the text after the heading begins in a new line.

All information about the elements of APA style formatting is provided in APA 7th Edition Manual.

References in the text. All the references in Serbian in the Reference List should be in Latin Alphabet, no matter which alphabet was used in the text, and alphabet in which the used sources were printed in, referring to books and periodicals.

Literature used is referred to in brackets and included in the body of the text, not in a footnote. Surnames of foreign authors used in the text body are quoted in the original form or  are phonetically transcribed  in Serbian, accompanied by the original in brackets with the year of publishing included. For example: Mejer (Meyer, 1987). If there are several authors, the surnames of one or two authors are provided. Examples: (Jeremić, 2023); (Janković i Buđevac, 2023).

When citing the papers written in English by two authors,  the symbol “&” is used. Example: (Harris  & Cook, 2020).

If several authors  are cited, the surname  of the first author is written, followed by abbreviation “i sar.” (in Serbian). Example: (Radović i sar., 2021). When papers are written in English, the abbreviation “et al.” is used. Example: (Haris et al., 2020).

Citations. No matter how long, the citation should be followed by a reference to the page number. Example: (Mićić, 2017, str. 15) or (Mićić, 2017, str. 12–15). If papers are written in English, abbreviations “p.” and “pp.” are used.. Example: (Johnson, 2020, p. 67) or (Johnson, 2022, pp. 39–41).

Tables, graphs, schemas, pictures. Tables and graphs should be in Word or a similar compatible programme. Each table, graph or schema must be comprehensible without reading the text, i..e, it must be marked with an ordinal number, title and caption (precise, not longer than one line and written in italic) and the legend (explanation of marks, codes, and abbreviations). Pictures should be prepared in the electronic form in the 300 dpi resolution and JPG format.

Bolded lines and shading should be avoided. Tables should contain only horizontal lines, in the beginning and at the end (without the whole grid). The text in tables, graphs, schemas and pictures is normal, spacing 1 or 1,5. Use the style of tables, graphs, schemas or pictures with spacing between a table, graph, schema or picture and the title. All information about the elements of APA style formatting is provided in APA 7th Edition Manual.

Presenting the same data in table and graph formats is unacceptable. Illustrations taken from other sources (books, journals) must be quoted with the source. Apart from that, a written consent from the copyright owner should be obtained and submitted to the editorial office.

Tables,  graphs,  schemas,  and   pictures   should   be inserted in proper places in the text. Pictures are submitted also in separate files.

Statistical analysis results. Results of statistical interpretations  should be presented in the following way: F=25.35, df=1.9, p< . 001 or F(1,9)=25.35, p< .001 (as common in the statistics of pedagogical and psychological research).

Footnotes and abbreviations. Not allowed, except in special cases, when they contain additional text (commentary).

List of references. The end of the text should be followed by a list of references quoted in the text, in alphabetical order and in the following way:

Book (surname(s)  and  initial(s),  authors’  names, publishing year, name of the book (in italic), place, publisher.

Sahlberg, P. (2011). Finnish Lessons. What can the world learn from educational change in Finland? Teacher College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University.

Voss, C., & Raz, T. (2017). Never split the difference: Negotiating as if your life depended on it. Harper Business.

Janković N., Savić Nenadović, Z., i Cvetković, M. (2022).

Steps Up. Učiteljski fakultet.

Chapter in a book or in Conference Proceedings:

(surname(s) and initial(s) of authors, publishing year, name of the chapter, surname and name initial of the editor-in-chief, title of the book (italic) and the first and the last page of the chapter, publishing place and publisher):

Havelka, N. (2001). Udžbenik i različite koncepcije obrazovanja i nastave. U B. Trebješanin, i D. Lazarević (ur.). Savremeni osnovnoškolski udžbenik  (str. 31–58). Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.

Miller, A. J., Thomson, F., & Callagher, D. (1998). Ep- ping case study. In C. Carter (Ed.), Affluence in suburbia (pp. 200–250). BL Books.

Paper  in   a   periodical:   surname(s)   an   initial(s) of authors, publishing year, title of the article, name of the periodical (italic), volume, number, pages and DOI number if available.

Milanović, A.  (2015). Značenje pojma fonema i  njen značaj za učiteljski poziv. Inovacije u  nastavi, 28(4), 13–17.

Arcidiacono, F.,  &  Padiglia,  S.  (2015).  A  narrative format design to  improve language acquisition thorugh social interaction. Teaching Innovations, 28(3), 83–98.

Conference proceedings paper, published as a whole article: (surname(s) and initial(s), names of authors, year, title of the paper, surname(s) and initials of the editor-in-chef, title of the conference (italic), the first and the last page of the paper in the brackets, date of the conference, place of issue, publisher): Antonijević, R. (2014). Efikasnost i  efektivnost kao dve  dimenzije kvaliteta obrazovanja darovitih. U G. Gojkov, i A. Stojanović (ur.). Daroviti i kvalitet obrazovanja (str. 88–92). Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače „Mihailo Palov”, Arad (Romania) – Universitatea de vest „Aurel Vlaicu”.

Kalandyk-Gallagher, J. (2020). Bullying in schools and the role of music in creating positive change. In A. Creech, & M. Generale (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Society for Music Education 34th World Conference on Music Education (pp. 192–199). International Society for Music Education.

Unpublished  doctoral  and  MA  theses  (surname and  initial of the  author,  year, name  of the  dissertation  or thesis (italic), note: Unpublished doctoral dissertation or MA thesis (in square brackets), institution.

Večanski Nikolić, V. (2015). Razvojni potencijal i modaliteti korišćenja ručno izrađenih igračaka na predškolskom uzrastu [Neobjavljena doktorska disertacija]. Učiteljski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.

Angeli, E. L. (2012). Networks of communication in emergency medical services [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Purdue University.

Official documents – laws, regulations, etc. (title of the document  (italic), year of publishing, name of the issue, number):

Pravilnik o programu svih oblika rada stručnih saradnika (2012). Prosvetni glasnik, Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije, br. 5/2012.

Encyclopaedia,    lexicon,     and     dictionary    en- tries (surname and initial of the author of the entry (if he/she is mentioned), year, title of the entry, name of the encyclopae- dia, lexicon or dictionary, pages in brackets, place, publisher) or (surname(s)  and  initial(s)  of the  authors  names  or  edi- tor-in-chief (with the mentioned Ed. in brackets), year, name of encyclopaedia, lexicon or dictionary (italic), pages, publisher): Webb, D. C. (2014). Bloom’s Taxonomy in Mathemat- ics Education. Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education (63–68). Springer Reference.

Or (name of the encyclopaedia, lexicon or dictionary (italic), publisher: Leksikon istorije pedagogije srpskog naroda (2012). Za- vod za udžbenike.

Web documents (surname(s), initial(s) of the names of authors or the name of institution, year, name of the document (italic), Internet address): Kallestad, J., & Olweus, D. (2003). Predicting Teachers and Schools Implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: A Multilevel Study.

World Health Organization. (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization  and vaccine safety.

The reference list should only include references cited in the text body or those analysed in a review paper.

When the same author is cited several times, this should be done following the sequence of years in which the papers were published. If several cited papers were written by the same author  and published in the same year, references should be marked by letters next to the year of issuance, for example 2015а, 2015b. Citing unpublished works is not allowed. Defended and unpublished doctoral and MA theses are excepted.


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Open Access Statement
345 Open access declaration can be found on this page

Information about copyright 345 Teaching Innovations are licensed with Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). Information about copyright can be found on this page.
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345 This journal was approved on 2018-01-22 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion. Download current list of ERIH PLUS approved journals.
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345 University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Information Services, the world's most prolific aggregator of full text journals, magazines and other sources. The full text of Teaching Innovations / Inovacije u nastavi is available now on EBSCO's international research databases.
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