Word of editor-in-chief

Dear colleagues,

It is our great pleasure and honour to invite you to be our associates – authors and reviewers of scientific and research papers in the Teaching Innovations periodical, issued by the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education. The fact that our periodical has been published more than thirty years, its current rating (in the list of scientific publications of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia – M23) and the intention of the editorial board to further improve its rating through the quality of papers show that the periodical Teaching Innovations has a long tradition based on the qualities of continuity and actuality, and a potential to continue developing.

The Teaching Innovations periodical publishes systematic and original research papers related to sciences and scientific disciplines dealing with the teaching process at all levels of pedagogical and educational work (from pre-school pedagogical work to life-long learning) with the aim of its improvement and modernisation.

General information about the Periodical with the Instructions for the authors and standards for paper preparation are placed on official website of Faculty of Education, University of Belgrade (http://www.inovacijeunastavi.rs). Please note that we have made changes in the Paper Submission Guidelines from the number 1/2024, with the aim of improving the status of the Periodical in domestic and international data bases of scientific publications.

Please note that the Periodical is available in the electronic form starting from issue No. 1/2014.

Looking forward to successful cooperation,
Sincerely Yours, Vera Ž. Radović,
PhD, Editor-in-chief

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Open Access Statement
345 Open access declaration can be found on this page

Information about copyright 345 Teaching Innovations are licensed with Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). Information about copyright can be found on this page.
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345 This journal was approved on 2018-01-22 according to ERIH PLUS criteria for inclusion. Download current list of ERIH PLUS approved journals.
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345 University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Information Services, the world's most prolific aggregator of full text journals, magazines and other sources. The full text of Teaching Innovations / Inovacije u nastavi is available now on EBSCO's international research databases.
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345 Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement can be found on this page.
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