Teaching Innovations
Publication Details for Teaching Innovations
Title: Teaching Innovations
ISSN 0352-2334 (Printed)
ISSN 2335-0806 (Online)
Publisher Information:
University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty
Kraljice Natalije 43
11 000 Belgrade
Title History: Teaching Innovations (1983 – present).
Bibliographic Records: Since 29/03/1983 to present.
Full Text: Since 02/01/2006 to present .
Publication Type: Academic peer-reviewed Journal.
Subjects: Science and scientific disciplines that deal with the educational process at all levels of education with a view to its improvement and modernization.
Description: Focus on education and finding optimal solutions and effective strategies for teaching innovations from preschool education through primary, secondary and university education to lifelong learning.
Publisher URL: http://www.uf.bg.ac.rs/
Frequency: 4.
Peer Reviewed: Yes.
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